400全讯白菜网教师 ——董渊

创建时间:  2021/03/11  康蕊   浏览次数:   

         董渊 教授




新加坡国立大学博士、博士后,新加坡微电子研究院(IME,A*Star)研究员、项目负责人。专注于集成光电子芯片、超构表面光学芯片等领域的研究,拥有多年的8吋/12吋晶圆工艺经验。曾领导和参与了多个海外企业、政府研究项目。在SCI期刊和国际会议上发表论文60余篇。其中,在半导体器件、光通信顶级会议(IEDM、VLSI Symp.,OFC等)发表第一作者论文7篇,并多次在顶会上做口头报告。













在Nanophotonics、Optics Express、IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev.等业内知名SCI期刊,和IEDM、VLSI Symp.、OFC、CLEO等国际知名会议上发表论文60余篇,其中第一作者(含共同一作)17篇。


[1] Y. Dong, Z. Xu, N. Li, J. Tong, Y.-H. Fu, Y. Zhou, T. Hu, Q. Zhong, V. Bliznetsov, S. Zhu, Q. Lin, D. Zhang, Y. Gu, and N. Singh, “Si metasurface half-wave plates demonstrated on a 12-inch CMOS platform,”Nanophotonics, vol. 9, no. 1. pp.149-157, Jan. 2020.

[2] Q. Zhong,Y. Dong, D. Li, N. Li, T. Hu, Z. Xu, Y. Zhou, K.-H. Lai, Y.-H. Fu, V. Bliznetsov, H.-J. Lee, W.-L. Loh, S. Zhu, Q. Lin, and N. Singh, “Large-area metalens directly patterned on a 12-inch glass wafer using immersion lithography for mass production,”Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 8-12, 2020.

[3] Z. Xu,Y. Dong, C.-K. Tseng, T. Hu, J. Tong, Q. Zhong, N. Li, L. Sim, K. H. Lai, Y. Lin, D. Li, Y. Li, V. Bliznetsov, Y.-H. Fu, S. Zhu, Q. Lin, D. Zhang, Y. Gu, N. Singh, and D.-L. Kwong, “CMOS-compatible all-Si metasurface polarizing bandpass filters on 12-inch wafers,”Opt. Express, vol. 27, no. 18, pp. 26060-26069, Sep. 2019.

[4] Y. Dong, Z. Xu, J. Tong, Y.-H. Fu, Q. Zhong, V. Bliznetsov, T. Hu, Y. Li, S. Zhu, Q. Lin, D. Zhang, and N. Singh, “Metasurface-based waveplates demonstrated on 300 mm Si CMOS platform,”Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, May 5-10, 2019.

[5] Z. Xu,Y. Dong, C.-K. Tseng, T. Hu, J. Tong, Q. Zhong, L. Sim, K.-H. Lai, Y. Lin, D. Li, Y. Li, V. Bliznetsov, Y.-H. Fu, S. Zhu, Q. Lin, D. Zhang, D.-L. Kwong, and Y. Gu, “All-Si metasurface polarizing bandpass filter mass produced on 12 inch wafer,”Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 3-7, 2019.

[6] Y. Dong, W. Wang, S. Xu, D. Lei, X. Gong, X. Guo, H. Wang, S.-Y. Lee, W.-K. Loke, S.-F. Yoon, and Y.-C. Yeo, “Two-micron-wavelength germanium-tin photodiodes with low dark current and gigahertz bandwidth,”Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 14, pp. 15818-15827, Jul. 2017.

[7] Y. Dong, W. Wang, S. Xu, D. Lei, X. Gong, S.-Y. Lee, W.-K. Loke, S.-F. Yoon, G.-C. Liang, and Y.-C. Yeo, “Ge0.9Sn0.1multiple-quantum-well p-i-n photodiodes for optical communications at 2 μm,”Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 19-23, 2017.

[8] Y. Dong, W. Wang, S. Y. Lee, D. Lei, X. Gong, W. K. Loke, S.-F. Yoon, G.-C. Liang, and Y.-C. Yeo, “Germanium-tin multiple quantum well on silicon avalanche photodiode for photodetection at two micron wavelength,”Semicond. Sci. Technol., vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 095001, Jul. 2016.

